

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This week has been a tough week. I started phase 2 of the diet and that meant upping the calories. I have still resisted the cake at the birthday party and all the sweets that I would like to eat. I didn't lose in fact on Tuesday I gained a pound then lost and went back down to the 159 but today, I actually lost a little bit. Yeah!!! It helps me to stay motivated if I can at least lose a little each week! I am going to keep on going. I have two baby showers to go to today so hopefully I can resist the temptations.

Ticker Thursday

Thursday, January 29, 2009

167.8? What? I'm not happy. I have done really good this week. With one exception of eating 2 barbeque beef sandwiches instead of 1 last night (but I was starving) So what do I do? Eat cake for breakfast - I didn't eat cake at the party last night so I guess I'll eat it now that I'm 3 pounds heavier any way.



Monday, January 26, 2009

This is going to be my new motto. I have been craving something sweet and haven't given in and have been rewarded by losing 4 pounds in one week. I know that I won't keep losing that much weight each week but it feels good to be in the 150's now.

Chocolate cake taste good but not as good as getting healthy and thinner will feel!

It Works so far!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I have been keeping track of all I eat for a week and so far it is working. The biggest key for me is planning the menu and having all the food on the menu available. If I don't feel like eating what I planned, I always have an alternative available that is still good for me and not going to rack up those calories. I ate out 4 times and still managed to lose about 3 1/2 pounds this week.

I am moving on to phase 2 tomorrow and that means more calories so it will also mean slower weight loss. That is okay as long as it is steady.

I did struggle a little. I have been craving some ice cream and chocolate but have managed to resist. I even watched my husband and my sister and her husband eat the Chocolate Molten Cake at Chili's and didn't even take a bite. I am very proud of myself for that. It is hard to think that I have to make this way of eating a way of life but I know I will be healthier for it.


Starting Tomorrow

Friday, January 23, 2009

Usually saying "I'll start tomorrow" doesn't work very well because there is always another tomorrow so usually I say I'm starting today. However, my day is jam packed and I don't have time to start today.

What am I starting you ask? For Christmas in 2007, I received P90X (Don't worry I asked for it). I've been able to stay on track for about 1 week but that's as far as I've gotten. I really love the exercise program and have enjoyed the week I have done about 3 times now. So tomorrow starts my goal of trying to get through all 90 days of P90X in a row. This is one of my new years resolutions and I won't fail.

Ticker Thursday

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's either a miracle or a fluke. I don't know which. But even after eating awful all week and not doing any type of activity except for last Thursday. I'm at 165.2 !! Miracle or fluke, I'll take it.

I HATE cooking

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, for the past week, I haven't really felt like myself. I've pretty much been sick. Now I normally hate cooking. Anything that takes more than 4 ingredients and more than about 15 mins is usually a "NO" for me. Especially when I don't feel very well. That is why I've found fast food and restaurant food so convienent.

The interesting thing is that fast food and restaurant food usually take longer by the time you count driving time there, waiting time, etc. It's just the fact that I don't have to make it. Hence, this week I have splurged on Red Lobster, Dominos (at least twice), Taco Bell, Wendy's and more. As well, I think I've eaten almost all of the items with sugar in the house. The reason why: I don't have to cook it. We are out of veggies. And I can't contain myself very well when I'm sick. I want comfort food. So don't be surprised if tomorrow's weigh in sucks. I've been doing so good too. Darn.

Food Diary

Monday, January 19, 2009

Today is the day! I am starting to keep a food diary and try to eat better. I have been trying all along but when you keep track in your head, I think you start to fudge a little here and there. I have planned all my menus for the week and so there is no opening the pantry door and just grabbing the first thing that I see.

I went to a nutrition diet class on Saturday and so I am starting the "Curves" diet plan. It is a little like the South Beach Diet because it has phases but it also like LA Weight loss because it counts how many fruits, vegetables, proteins, and starches you eat. I will see how it goes. I have the goal to go to Curves at the minimum 3 times a week and to walk, right now on the treadmill every day for 30 minutes. I hope to keep this a priority. I am starting phase 1 today and hope to stick to it pretty strict. Eating out will be the hardest for me and trying to keep the portions the correct amount.

Homemade Breakfast Egg McMuffins

Friday, January 16, 2009

Serving Size: 1

1 whole wheat english muffin
2 eggs
2 ounces of deli sliced turkey
1 slice provolone cheese

1) Cut up turkey into small pieces (I use my hands so as not to waste time with a cutting board and knife)
2) Scramble eggs and turkey
3) Open english muffin place on plate
4) Put slice of provolone on english muffin
5) Put scrambled eggs and turkey on english muffin
6) Microwave for 30 seconds

Motivation to Exercise

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Most of the time I have a very hard time finding the motivation to exercise. Like I said in an earlier post, I love to exercise. I love the feeling afterward I love to get my body moving. However, I always feel to lazy to get up and do it. The idea of having to drive to a gym or pull out the weights or even just get started causes me to feel this sense of dread.

I recently quit the gym I was going to. I never went any way because it was so far away from my house. I know that is a lame excuse but that's my excuse. Now I have to figure out how I will get my yoga fix.

My goal is going to be to exercise today at least for 15 mins.

Ticker Thursday

I did really good this week overall. I'm down to 165.6 .6 more pounds to the 165 mile marker!

I am finally getting started

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I wanted to comment on the whole eating thing. I can exersise my brains out and then blow the whole day by eating all the wrong things. I have heard that you crave all the foods that are bad for you, well, that is definately me. I crave carbs and sweets and breads and that good tasting stuff. I am very frustrated because I have found as I get older I can't eat hardly anything if I want to keep losing. I recently read an article that said that losing weight helps speed up your metabolism. Well lets see, if I could just lose some weight. It does make sense but it is not as easy to do. The article also talked about sleep being an important factor in losing weight too. I always feel tired and I know it is because I never get to sleep all night long. My husband is up and down all night long and this wakes me up too. I am going to keep trying and hopefully I will see some results this year. Changing my eating habits is my main goal right now. I will be working on that continually as I live with a 17 year old bottomless pit.

Food Diaries

Monday, January 12, 2009

One of the ways I have found success is keeping a food diary. I find that when I keep a food diary, I am less likely to splurge or binge as well as eat healthier. The big benefit is that I tend to lose weight when I'm keeping a food diary.

I tend to think that the best diet would be to find someone who is skinny (looks like you want to look) and have them write down what they eat everyday in a diary. Then follow that diary to a tea just 1 week behind. Then you really know what a skinny person eats. Chances are that diet will NEVER happen but it is something I seem to daydream about more often than I probably should. You would probably need to follow that person's work out regime as well but it is just a dream.

Just as a perk, here is my diary for the day:

Kashi cereal

2 cutie oranges

Salad with lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, sprouts
2 tbs dressing

1 protein bar

Quesadilla with low-fat cheese, chicken, and jalepenos


Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've struggled with migraines since I was about 16. I've been able to figure out my triggers and most of the time, I don't do them. However, yesterday I was just so busy that I didn't eat for about 7 hours and hardly ate anything before that. So I got a migraine and not a little migraine, this was a doozy. I didn't have meds on me either. When I got done, in order to get rid of the migraine, I popped down some medication and of course I had to eat. By that point, I didn't care what I ate as long as it was food to help make my migraine GO AWAY. So I ate: a wrap, 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza, and a pop tart. Now I'm back up 1.6 pounds to 168.6 :( I hate it when I binge due to poor planning. If I would have carted a lunch/snacks around with me I would have been fine.

If anyone has hints on how to better plan for busy days or plan for days that aren't busy but turn into crazy busy, post a comment.

Self Sabotage

Friday, January 9, 2009

Yesterday, I was extremely excited because I had lost 2 pounds. Then I proceeded to think... you've done pretty good you deserve a treat. Then that treat turned into a full on binge. I think I ate about 4 packs of sweet tarts, about 20 mini chocolate bars, and some various other candies. I swear to you I cannot control myself around sweets and chocolate. It's all or nothing. One halloween I remember that we had about 3 pounds of candy in the house because we had very few trick or treaters that year because we lived in a new development. I think I ate that within 2 days after Halloween. That's how much little will power I have. Allowing myself one piece of cake/candy is not an option, and then I'll eat 2. Sometimes I feel like I'm rewarding myself for the past but in the end I sabotage my future. I need to have more self control. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Ticker Thursday

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursdays are the day I'm going to be updating my ticker at the bottom of the blog and officially recording my weight.

The good thing about today is that I am 2 pounds down: 167!! Only 2 more pounds to hit 165. I ate out a lot over New Years break so this is the weight that is coming off of that. Woo hoo!!

Hip Hop Dancing

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday is the day that I actually get off of my butt and MOVE. I attend an Adult Hip Hop class at a local dance center. It is so much fun. I have always loved to dance and have found that Hip Hop is my cup of tea. I just love the style and the different rhythms found in hip hop music.

Today we learned a dance that was one of the funnest I've done in a long time. Afterward, my body is on a high and it is just buzzing. I love the feeling I get after exercising. I just don't have the motivation to do it more often even though it makes me feel so much better and so much happier.

I always think to myself though that no one would really want to see a fat (I mean fat, not phat) old lady shakin her booty. Overtime, I guess I just decided that I didn't care. When I attended a different class in the Northwest, there were some ladies that were my grandma's age attending the beginning hip hop class. I think eventually I will be one of those ladies. :)

Before Pictures

Here are some pics of me at my heaviest so far.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One of the most frustrating things to me when trying to lose weight is fluctuation. This morning I got up and I weighed 169.4, which is .4 pounds more than yesterday. You are thinking to yourself, "Who gives a baboon's butt about .4 pounds?" Usually the fluctuation in my weight is a lot worse, like 1-3 pounds, but it is just so demotivating to see the scale go up when you are trying so hard to make the scale go down. Staying the same is even better than going up. I wish weight loss could be a smooth slope where you stay the same or lose everyday.

I have to weigh myself everyday. I've heard experts say, "Only weigh yourself once a week due to fluctuation." I can't do it. I think I'm doing great but then I hop on the scale a week later and I'm way off track and I've gained like 5 pounds or something. I have to weigh myself everyday to see how my body reacts to different foods and make adjustments in my diet accordingly. It's what has worked for me so far. I do only record my weight in a journal once a week though.

I saw a chart once that took into account fluctuation in your diet. You entered in your weight daily, weekly, or whatever and it smoothed out the curve and estimated your actual weight lose instead of water weight, etc. I'm doubt this was very accurate because it took into account no other factors but your weight; however, it was fairly motivating. I can no longer find that chart so if you know where it is, let me know.

Quest to Lose 50 more pounds

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm on a long quest... One that I've been on for a long time and that I still have a long way to go. There are many obstacles ahead of me and many hurdles to jump over. It's not an easy quest and there are many villians that want to entice me off the path of my goal. They call to me all day and all night, saying "Eat me, eat me, eat me."

You see.. I'm on a quest to lose 50 more pounds. I've already lost 15 pounds and that has taken me, oh, about 8 months. It is so hard to lose weight. There are people who seem to lose it so quickly, not me. There are people who can still eat what they want or even cheat a little. Not me. I blow up anytime I eat anything off plan. I'm following the Healthy Eating & Exercise diet. No gimmicks. No tricks. Just lots of fruits, veggies, healthly fats, lean proteins, and whole grains. Oh and I'm trying to exercise. Right now I'm at one hour one day a week and I'm hoping to up that very quickly. I'm hoping it will help me reach my end weight goal faster. I'd like to lose at least 5 pounds a month. I'm 5'6" and currently weight 169 pounds (just under the 170 mark - woo hoo). Follow me along my quest or join me if you want.